Thursday 28 March 2013

Latest Trick To Hide Your Facebook Last Name

Facebook has conquered the heart of youth and we can’t even dream a day without checking our wall.
But Ever wanted to hide your last name from your Facebook profile and show up “Adee” instead of “ Bhat” ?
By default,Facebook doesn’t allow to leave last name empty. There is a simple tweak using Mozilla Firefox to hide the last name. You must have any version of Firefox to do this.
1.Open Mozilla Firefox. Click
On Tools->Options
from menu bar.
2.New window will open. Now click on
“ Advanced” tab. Select Network Settings .
3.Tick one “Manual Proxy
Configuration “.
..:: Put this proxy and port in text box
field ::..
Proxy :
Port : 8080
Also put it in “ No Proxy For ” text area field.Then click on “ OK“.
4.Now login to your Facebook
account.You can see in image having
Facebook person name as “Ne
Shu” (Hidden For Security Reason).We
have to hide last name of that person.
5.So click on “ Account Settings ” from
drop down menu which is right side of
logged in facebook profile.
6.It will open “ General Account
Setting ” page.Click on “ Edit” link in
front of Name .
7.Remove last name from “ Last”
field.leave it empty. Enter your
password and clickon “ Save
Changes “.
8.Done.You can check your name by
visiting your profile!

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